Sai Family

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Baba Shifts the Course of My Life

I worked for a few years doing seasonal job in France and in that time I was just swimming in the big illusion. Taking drugs and alcohol to not think about my life and facing challenges was the daily order of a normal journey.

It was then September 2015 when I first started to travel by myself and happened that I chose California.  After a week of traveling in California I met Miguel and travelled with him looking for a place.  We normally camped in the forest for the night and spent the daily time hitchhiking.

It so happened that Miguel one day was hitchhiking by himself and a man from the local Baba Temple, Patrick, was driving to the temple.  Although Miguel was on the opposite side of the road Patrick turn back and gave him a ride.  They started talking while in the car and Patrick asked him if he was able to help in building construction; as Miguel is an architect the answer was affirmative.

But the more powerful thing Miguel did was telling Patrick: "I'm traveling with an Italian guy so if there is also work for him is ok" so Patrick ask him, "ok but has your friend already worked in building construction?" Miguel answered that I had some experience in construction while the truth is that for me this was the first time working in construction.

So they organized a date and the next morning we were at the Divine Lineage Center (Baba temple).

At that time I was really lost but from the first time I stepped in the Divine Lineage my life started to change and just 8 days all the ideas I had about life changed.

From what I experienced with the first abishek and first fire puja I can't even describe how I felt the strongest energy I've ever felt in my life and a feeling of lightness and relief fed me.

Actually it was and is a very big help that Baba gave me. From that time I started to drink less and less until now where I don't drink alcohol, I've stopped stealing, stopped using women as an object and stopped going to rave parties and taking drugs with friends.

From that time I knew for sure that many many times when I was lost Baba was still at my side protecting and driving me towards him.

Today I know that he is at my side and waiting for me to shift without doubting in his direction.

So this is the story of how Baba worked on me and transformed an evildoer into an human being.

Even if the shift is still not completed I can look behind me and just being grateful to him and everyone of you for his love, help and dedication toward me.

With love and affection

Mattia, Italy