Singing to Baba in Shirdi

Baba means everything to me! 

As we enter in this Sai Yuga, Baba is so present in my life and in the lives of many people I know. Baba is the beautiful guide and He is the Boss. Of course, it is necessary! 

I am so glad, that my channels to Baba had been awakend by Swami Kaleshwar. I have no words to express my gratitude to Him and of course to Baba. 

In my life I am using the music to connect to the Divine. I am using the music to express my gratitude. I am using the Divine Music to enjoy and be with all of them, up there in Brahma consciousness.

But this is not what it is meant to be. Of course, I enjoy and I feel this Love, which can never end. But I am singing to Baba in order to make Him "awake“ in order to make me “awake“ to do my job on this planet! In order to spread His message of Love and care. In order to spread His message of unconditional and endless "being there“ for EVERYONE who calls on Him!! He is the savior in this Kali Yuga, bringing us back to our real "home“, where we have come from.

The students of Swami Kaleshwar are trained to end slavery and become real masters. To take responsibility and just go, with no compromise. Many of us are experiencing this in almost every angle of life.

What it means to be able to stand in front of Baba and sing my "song to Him", it means, He is watching me. He is taking an eye on me, and that is enough. That is enough to be saved. There is no need anymore to be afraid of anything even death. Baba is the conquerer of death. He is ... there are 108 names of what He is... study this and you will get a glimpse of what He is..

When I was singing in front of Him, directly in Shirdi, in the vibrations of his bones, His Mahasamadhi, in His Gurustan, in the midst of all this places where He used to spend time and do His miracles... in His energy, again, I use the music to express my feelings and my Love and gratitude. You can watch the video and maybe you can understand what it meant to me then. 

Sitting on His lap in front of His presence, no time existing anymore, everything else is vanishing. NOTHING exists anymore, no people, no reason, no nothing... only Him. Being with Him in the consciousness, sucking the nectar of the Divine Love, endless, unbound, beyond words, beyond mind, beyond even heart feelings... only sucking the truth..for a little moment in time...

Sending much Love to you all.

May Baba give you the strength to "win" His heart..

Christina Maria Schmidt, Germany

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